Our mission is to help you enjoy and love your self-care routine.

“Let’s start romanticizing life"

There is something about pretty and good quality products that just make me happy, I look forward to my self- care routine every day & every night because it’s “my me time."

Our Alma bags are also inspired by the chaotic & beautiful process of getting ready with friends (the background music, sharing each others things, talking about our insecurities, hyping each other up, making random TikTok's that we will probably never share, and the list goes on..

The older I get, the more I realized it's not about the destination we're going out to that day or night, life is about enjoying the process, “the moments."

Our Alma bags are carefully designed & sewn with extra love and good quality materials to help you create those moments ♡

I hope you love your items with the same amount of love it took for us to create them


Belèn Giménez